How to wash your hair correctly? Story of an endless dilemma (2022)

Washing one's hair is part of human hygiene. The problem is that few of us know how and how often to wash our hair to keep it beautiful and healthy. Whether you prefer to wash your hair in an inclined position or while showering or bathing, read on to find out how to do it!
- The most common mistakes while washing your hair
- How to wash your hair properly?
- How often should you wash your hair?
- The right shampoo?
- Washing only with water?
Human skin produces sebum that protects it from external influences and prevents it from losing moisture. However, if there is a lot of it, it can clog pores. In addition, when we talk about grease in the hair, we soon get to the problems with greasy and limp strands, which give the impression that their owner is a rather inconsistent mess.
That's why we have to wash our hair regularly. However, if we overdo it with our care, sebum production can accelerate even more. So it seems like a never-ending cycle.
How to do it?
1. The most common mistakes while washing your hair
When washing our hair, we often make a series of mistakes that have a negative impact on how our hair looks and how long it stays looking good. First of all, the biggest role is played by the right choice of shampoo. If you reach for one that is not designed for your hair type, you may encounter itching, excessive dandruff production, or faster greasing.
We also make the mistake of:
-We also shampoo lengths of hair that are not greasy (so it is much more convenient to shampoo the hair near the head and let the shampoo run down with the water)
-We are too aggressive when washing (shampoo lathers with fingers and palms, not by scratching)
-We shampoo our hair twice (once is plenty enough)
-We apply the conditioner up to the head (belongs to the ends and to the lengths)
-Wash off the conditioner with warm water (cold is ideal)
-We rub our hair with a towel (mistake!)
2. How to wash your hair properly?
If you have a bathtub, it might tempt you to lie down in it while washing your hair. Which is not desirable, because all the dirt floats in the tub, which can also be mixed with other detergents that are not suitable for contact with hair. For this reason, washing your hair in an inclined position or while showering is a better choice.
We also never apply shampoo to dry hair. It is always necessary to soak them really well first. Massage the shampoo into the scalp and let it rinse with water. That should be more than enough to clean them. (Of course, the exception is when you have a lot of styling products in your hair.) The water should also not be completely hot.
3. How often should you wash your hair?
Washing your hair every day may not benefit its appearance or condition. Even if they are very greasy.
You may be wondering where this logic comes from.
Think of it as the body producing sebum as a form of protection. If you take it regularly, the body can react to it by increasing its production. It is therefore much better to leave the hair really greasy. Even for several days in a row. (So choose days when you know you're not going anywhere.) Wash your hair after a few days. You may be surprised by the fact that the interval between washes will be noticeably longer. Without making the hair look ugly.
This method is also supported by our personal experience, when over time we managed to reduce the need to wash our hair to once a week, or even twice a week in some cases. There is no need to use dry shampoo.
4.The right shampoo?
Choose shampoos according to your hair type. If they have any specific needs, invest in more expensive hairdressing lines that are available either online or in hair salons. (The advantage of this option is that the hairdresser will recommend products that will fit you directly.)
5. Washing only with water?
As the trend toward ecology grows, some people cannot tolerate washing their hair only with water. But is this type of washing suitable for everyone?
Ideally, this method will suit women who have curly and very thick hair that is prone to drying out. Masks and conditioners should still be used after washing with warm (not boiling) water. In addition, washing hair with water only should be combined with washing hair with shampoo on other days.