Useful advice: How to comb your hair properly? Are you doing it right? (2022)

How to comb your hair properly? Are you doing it right?

Although combing is one of the basic hygiene habits we teach young children, even adults often don't know how to comb their hair properly. In the following article, we will therefore advise you on what technique to use to keep your hair strong and healthy and avoid tangling or breakage.

We will also tell you how often to comb your hair and why combing is important. We haven't forgotten about choosing the right comb or brush, which you can't do without when it comes to hair care.

  1. How often should I comb my hair?
  2. Why should we comb our hair?
  3. Do you know the correct combing technique?
  4. Wet hair should not be combed. 

1. How often should I comb my hair?

Experts recommend combing your hair twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before you go to bed. The frequency will also depend on the texture of your hair. But for everyone, combing more often is not healthy for your hair. It could disturb their structure. In the long run, it could even result in thinning, excessive hair loss, or split ends. For curly hair, combing too often could result in a change in shape.

The scalp also reacts to frequent combing. Excessive sebum would form in it, and the hair would get greasy faster. Longer uncombed hair, on the other hand, gets tangled. Unwanted breakage then occurs when they are untangled.

2. Why should we comb our hair?

Combing is important not only for appearance, but also for hair health and tangle prevention. It improves blood circulation in the scalp, and more nutrients reach the roots. The resulting hair is stronger and has a more beautiful shine. Regular combs also promote hair growth.

In addition, proper combing helps remove dead skin cells and distribute sebum from roots to ends. Since the role of sebum is to naturally protect your hair, combing your hair will give it that protection. That's not all. Combing also helps remove styling product residue or hair fall and adds volume to the hairstyle.

Why should we comb our hair?

3. Do you know the correct combing technique?

Start combing your hair from the ends. This will help you detangle them without putting too much strain on them. This will prevent both breakage and knots, which are very difficult to untangle. Divide the entire volume of your head into several sections and comb them out gradually. If necessary, use your fingers to help.

Then comb through the entire volume of hair. It is advisable to bend over to thoroughly circulate the scalp. Continue combing from the nape of the neck, working from the sides to the front. This method will also help you increase the volume of the hairstyle. If, on the other hand, you would like to reduce the volume of your hairstyle, comb your hair in an upright position.

4. Wet hair should not be combed. 

A common mistake many of us make is wet combing. However, this should be avoided. You'll do better if you comb your hair before you wash it to get rid of styling product build-up, and then only after it's dry. Wet hair is stretched, and after drying, it returns to its normal length. Wet hair is therefore more fragile and prone to damage, and it could easily break. If you need to comb your hair when it's wet, apply conditioner and leave it on for a while. Then use a wide-toothed comb or a special wet hair brush and rinse out the conditioner.

Wet hair should not be combed.